Un bon dia. A nice day.

Ja hem inaugurat a ca na Miquela (Miquela Nicolau espai d’art) amb un berenar boníssim, un solellet preciós i una obra sòlida. Sa gent me diu que és mes madura, que he evolucionat, jo no ho sé veure, s’obra de sa darrera expo era, al manco tan bona com aquesta. D’aquí a una setmana inauguraré a Palma (Joan Oliver “Maneu”), no sé si sa inauguració serà tan familiar i maca com aquesta darrera però me fa molta il·lusió. Palma, mirau!

We have already opened at “ca na Miquela” (Miquela Nicolau espai d’art) with a delicious brunch, a beautiful sunny day and a solid work. People said to me I am more mature, that I’ve evolved. I do not know, the work of the last exhibition was at least as good as this. Within a week I will do the second inauguration in a short period of time, it will be in Palma (Joan Oliver “Maneu”), I do not know if this inauguration will be so familiar and beautiful as the latter one, but I’m very excited. Palma, behold!

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