POST Palma open studio.

Aquesta setmana passada vàrem obrir portes. L’estudi, espai de treball, va ser espai de gaudi i bulla per un dia. És fonamental dessacralitzar aquest espai però sense convertir-lo en una botiga, mai hem de perdre de vista que aquesta és una feina que tant requereix de la veritable superficialitat com de la pura transcendència de l’instant, una feina que està obligada a conectar quotidianitat i absolut.

Voltros, que hem coneixeu, sabeu com m’agrada una bona bauxa; m’agrada juntar a la gent, conectar a la gent, i fer d’una rialla i un brindis una oportunitat per pensar de manera natural que allò intens i profund és o hauria de ser una cosa més del dia a dia.

Moltes gracis per haver vingut a tots.

estudi 2013 b invita

This last week I opened doors. The studio, a work space, was an space of joy and celebration for one day. It is essential demystify this place without turning it into a shop, we must never lose sight that this is a job that requires both: a real superficiality and, at the same time, the pure transcendence of the instant, this is a work that require to connect “cotidianity” and “absolute”.

You, who know me, know how I love a good celebration, I love to put together the people, connect people, and make a toast, a laugh and an opportunity to think in a normal way that what is deep and intense is, or should it be, something else of the everyday.

Thank you all for coming.


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